Vepica has been occupying important positions on the various ENR lists since 2013.
ENR Ranking: For seventh consecutive years Vepica has occupied a placed among the best 200 International Design companies in the world.
Aug 1, 2020 3:15:00 PM / by Vepica Corporate posted in Engineering, Construction, Design, ENR
Vepica's Downstream Experience
Apr 15, 2019 6:00:00 AM / by Vepica Corporate posted in Engineering, DetailEngineering, Procurement, Construction, EngineeringProjects, Downstream, Experience
The downstream oil sector involves the refining of crude oil and the sale and distribution of natural gas and products derived from crude oil. Over the last ten years, Vepica has developed and executed the following projects in this sector:
Vepica Offshore Experience
Mar 21, 2019 12:50:13 PM / by Vepica Corporate posted in Engineering, Construction, OffShore, Vepica, Benefits, Experience
Offshore construction encompasses a broad spectrum of facilities. This type of construction offers a variety of benefits such as improved efficiency, both in the construction process and transportation; location, by installing the platform closer to the client's area of interest; cooling equipment, quick and easy access to seawater facilitates this process and optimizes the platform’s functionality; job offers and minor environmental impact.
Vepica ENR Classification 2018
Jan 14, 2019 6:00:00 AM / by Vepica Corporate posted in Engineering, Procurement, Construction, Design, ENR, Industrial, Classification, Contractor, Company
Engineering News-Record (ENR), with more than 100 years of experience, offers engineering and construction information and data, as well as analysis, comments and news. Additionally, it reports on the most outstanding design companies, and the main construction companies, as well as projects in the United States and around the world.
Vepica Environmental Engineering, Inspection and Consulting Services
Dec 19, 2018 6:00:00 AM / by Vepica Corporate posted in Engineering, Environment, Services, Environmental, Consulting, Sustaniable, Development, Permits, Authorizations
With more than 28 years of experience in Environmental Engineering, Inspection and Consulting services, Vepica guarantees the conferment of environmental authorizations and legal compliance for EPC projects in the Oil and Gas (inland and off shore), Chemical and Petrochemical, Energy Generation and Transmission, Mining and Metallurgy, Renewable Energy and Buildings and Infrastructure markets.
Vepica’s Inspection Unit
Nov 26, 2018 6:00:00 AM / by Vepica Corporate posted in Engineering, Inspection, Services, Unit, Testing, Support, Workshop
Since 1982, Vepica possesses an Inspection Unit that develops non-destructive testing, assurance and quality control of projects. It has a workload capacity of 430,000 MH and over 2,000,000 MH of experience.