Offshore construction encompasses a broad spectrum of facilities. This type of construction offers a variety of benefits such as improved efficiency, both in the construction process and transportation; location, by installing the platform closer to the client's area of interest; cooling equipment, quick and easy access to seawater facilitates this process and optimizes the platform’s functionality; job offers and minor environmental impact.
Vepica Offshore Experience
Mar 21, 2019 12:50:13 PM / by Vepica Corporate posted in Engineering, Construction, OffShore, Vepica, Benefits, Experience
Celebrating 50 years of OTC
May 7, 2018 10:20:54 AM / by Vepica Corporate posted in Engineering Services, Engineering, OTC, OffShore, Technologies
Last week, the world's largest oil trade fair was held, an event that takes place every year during the first week of May, in Reliant Park (Houston, Texas).