SPECIFIC, the Innovation and Knowledge Center of the United Kingdom led by the University of Swansea, designed the first positive energy buildings, in the country, that generate more energy than they consume in the country.
Sustainable buildings: solar energy innovation
Jul 16, 2018 10:00:00 AM / by Vepica Corporate posted in Power&Energy, RenewableEnergies, Electricity, PositiveEnergies, LEEDBuildings, SPECIFIC, SolarEnergy, LEEDCertification
2018 CERI Petrochemical Conference
Jul 9, 2018 10:00:00 AM / by Vepica Corporate posted in Engineering, Petrochemicals, Energy, Industry, Electricity, Alberta, Conference, CERI
Once a year, the Canadian Energy Research Institute (CERI) holds its annual Petrochemical Conference and this year Vepica in Canada participated by co-sponsoring the golf tournament portion alongside the City of Fort Saskatchewan .
Wyoming: The Saudi Arabia of wind energy
Jul 2, 2018 10:00:00 AM / by Roberto Schael posted in RenewableEnergies, Technologies, WindFarms, Wyomming, Energy, Industry, Electricity
Since the construction of the first wind turbines in the late 1970s, far-reaching technological advances have been made. The rotor blades are now 16 times larger and the wind farms produce 100 times more electricity.