In 2017, VEPICA’s Process Department began the implementation of ASPEN Basic Engineering (ABE) as a design tool with the aim of improving the drawing of Process Flow Diagrams (DFP) and information management during the initial stages of projects.
ASPEN Basic Engineering allows the safeguarding and storage of process information, maintaining it accessible to the user for the development of the engineering. Additionally, it is possible to directly, import data from simulators such as Aspen Hysys and PROII, simplifying the transfer of information between the different applications used in the department. All of this information is also available for the generation of deliverables, such as diagrams, data sheets, lists and reports.
Using ASPEN Basic Engineering will significantly improve the transfer of data in the design cycle and will help to maintain the consistency of the information displayed in the different deliverables as progress or modifications are made.
The application has sufficient sturdiness and degree of detail both in its attributes to describe the process and in its elements (lines, equipment, etc.). The use of this technology will help to improve multidisciplinary work, allowing engineers and designers from the different disciplines to share, maintain and update all the DFP information.
As an additional element, the application can be integrated with the design tools already available in the department, such as the spreadsheets used for dimensioning equipment and pipes, incorporating them into their functionalities to adjust the attributes and properties of the process.
Since the beginning of 2017, various activities to achieve the effective implementation of ABE have been developed, including:
- Creation of new symbols adjusted to our standards.
- Configuration of technical information reports according to VEPICA standards.
- Incorporation of new attributes in the program’s structure, to complement the description of the process.
- Customization of views and groups of properties to facilitate the handling of information.
- Configuration of the process data in the equipment data sheet under VEPICA standards, to exchange information with the other project participants.
- Publication of guides for the administration and use of the application.
Presently, Vepica continues to promote the use of ABE as a standard tool for the design of intelligent Process Flow Diagrams, which improve the bidding process and the development of projects. In addition, disseminating this application’s functionalities and potential for use in future projects.